Facebook started off just being some MySpace replacement for me. Back in the fall of 2005, I remember my old college roommate telling me to get Facebook. I also remember being slightly put-off because the site didn't allow my high school friends to join. Being a college freshman, I had many younger friends. I was pretty bored with the site after about an hour. I didn't see it's real purpose. Well, I am here to say I've found Facebook's purpose: pure evil.
See how well all those Photoshop classes paid off.
It's 2012. I understand the Internet's importance. I, however, do not understand when it became second nature for me to check a Web site and find out tidbits from people's lives, of whom I never gave two cares for in high school and college. It's like this site has somehow changed how I operate. I wasn't into gossip in high school. I didn't care to share a photo of what I ate or how I did my nails with my friends. I didn't feel awkward in social situations and need to check my phone to get out of them. Mostly because back in my day (there I said it) we didn't have cell phones regularly available. I had a 250 minute and 50 texts (in and out) plan that I only used to call my mom and tell her I'd be late.
I went a week without Facebook, and honestly, I didn't really miss it. I missed the occasional funny picture, but I didn't miss the political debates, drama, unexpected pregnancy announcements, and general stupidity. I spent more time writing, blogging, doing my homework, cleaning, cooking, and actually talking to people. I started to feel like myself again. But then I noticed the date and got sucked back into all the low-class dribble on my timeline. With sites like Pinterest (which I need to rant about later) and Tumblr, there really isn't a point the funny photo sharing on Facebook. I can obviously get my humor, recipes and DIY ideas elsewhere. As for the drama, I wouldn't say I need it. Anything worth mentioning is told to me, anyway. And if it's not, it's really none of my business. When it comes to Facebook using during awkward situations, well I'm past that. I don't have internet access on my phone in most social engagements where I am, so I've learned to just feel awkward and embrace it. So what if I don't feel comfortable around people who I don't know? Happens to everyone now and then. I just learned to deal and, more importantly, accept who I am: a socially awkward yet social human being. (AKA: a walking contradiction)
I'm sorry to say, but Facebook can be just as harmful as drugs. Up there with texting, constant Facebook checkers are known to walk into traffic, not look where they're walking and fall, and just generally piss people off. You can Google and find cases of someone checking some social media when things go awire. (I have no idea how to spell that word or if it's even a word. Yes, I have a BA in English. No, I can't spell.) Not only does being connected to Facebook like a drug addict's addicted to meth pose physical problems, but it also causes social problems as well. I've noticed that a lot of people have become socially inept. There was even a How I Met Your Mother episode where the main character realized how much he is dependent on the Internet. He couldn't have a real conversation without looking up the person first. Sure, this is branching out from Facebook, but honestly, where would you first look to find dirt on someone? Facebook. I would look up the person, judge them for not having a private account, and then scrutinize their existence.
Facebook is changing society, and it's not for the better. That's why I'm going to limit my account once I'm back home. I'm done with feeling tied to an Internet site that constantly changes its format. Seriously, they changed the name of the wall? The one thing Facebook was known for. It's like changing the name of e-mail to, I don't know, Internet message or something. (My creative juices died a little. I apologize.) I don't want to be a slave to a site that ignores its users wishes. I don't want my person information out there running rampant. I don't want to feel like I'm missing out on life because I don't know what Suzzy high school ate for dinner. It has to stop, at least for me. I currently use Facebook to get updates on my family and friends who don't have smartphones with Whatsapp or Kik Messenger, so for the moment, Facebook is a tad useful to me. I say a tad because if anyone checked their e-mail on a regular basis I wouldn't need one at all. So, as of a week and a few days from now, I'll be done. If you want to throw a party, text me. If you are getting engaged, great! Call me. If you're having a cold one before the big game, please kindly forget I exist.
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