Friday, August 31, 2012

Nap Time: Good or Bad?

Guys, I'm tired. Like really tired. The past few nights I haven't been able to fall asleep till about 6 a.m. I just lay there doing nothing. It's obscenely annoying.

So now its about 7:30 p.m., and I'm almost too tired to be awake. I can feel my eye lids battling with my body. I keep playing the loudest music, which for me right now is the Sailor Moon theme in German...

Then I move on to Sailor Moon Featuring Lil Jon...

And from there I fall into the scary part of YouTube. You shouldn't go there. Bad things happen and dreams go there to die. Kind of like how Florida is where people go to die.

So, now I'm stuck with a conundrum: sleep and waste what little time I have left here but probably save my sanity, or be a zombie until Martijn comes home from work and then not be able to fully enjoy what time we have left...

I love sleeping. Seriously, it's one of my favorite parts of life. For me, my dreams are real in a sense. I mean, I took some philosophy classes. They always talked about how dreams aren't reality because they're ever changing. My dream all take place in the same world. It's really weird, but I love visiting my dream world. Not as much as I love being here with my boyfriend, but he's in my dreams as well. It's complicated.

But, my god, aren't naps one of god's greatest gifts to mankind? I've loved napping since I was a kid. Even at a young age, I knew how amazing sleep could be.

I just wish I didn't feel like I was wasting time. I'm not. I'm not making much sense right now because I got like four hours of sleep last night. I'm rambling, listening to K-Pop and severely uncomfortable on this bed.

Basically, here is where I stand:

You can either stay awake, try to have fun and get stuff accomplished while constantly fighting off the urge to pass out, or you can accept that even if you would get a few things done being awake, you would rather do those things well-rested so you can enjoy them/do better.

That's my stance, and I'm sticking to it.

I officially give naps a thumbs up. They make my life more enjoyable, while ignoring my brain aching for a nap leaves me cranky and non-coherent.

And on that note.....

(I fell asleep.)

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